Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Well tomorrow is the last day of school! Yippee! I am pretty upset that it is June 1st and I still haven’t heard any more news about where exactly I will be or who is going to be my host family. I have a few towns picked out that I really hope I am put it but anywhere will be great, I mean I will be in France and that’s all that matters. 6 months ago I had no idea where I would be, in fact I thought I would be in Thailand since I heard a lot of people get the chance to go there and it was my second choice. On the brightside of things I have to have my guarantee forms back by June 30th for my visa stuff. I got an e-mail about my visa and looks like I have to do a lot of more paperwork. I thought a 20 some page application would be it for the paperwork... I guess not. I am getting really exited to get out of school since I won't be back in American school for more than 365 days which is a really awesome thought. I also bought my bus ticket for the Grand Rapids conference which I heard is tons of fun and I cannot wait to meet all the people going to France and see all of the outbounds one last time before we all leave. So yah I am getting super ready to get out of school and I only have 3 more exams to take before I am out! Wahoo!

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