Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Midnight mumbles

Okay it is not really midnight but when you work 10:30 sure feels like midnight. Anyways...

I have been so busy lately with everything so I have not been on the internet much at all! My job is going good but I haven't made it to any Rotary meetings this summer. Uh ohh! I will make it to one? two? in August though! I have to do my powerpoint presentation on the Upper Pennisula.
My visa is a big headache right now. I have to go down to Chicago now that my papers came in. I am pretty sure I am flying down there because it will be a lot faster and cheaper than driving.
Oh! I found out I will basically have 4 host families, it is kind of confusing though. I go to one for 2 weeks then they take me on weekends when the other family is busy, I guess? I am not really sure, my french is terrible and I don't really understand that much. I have emailed 2 of my hosts but only one has corresponded with me. The other two I can't figure out what their email is, it was too hard to read!

Anyways I have to work in the morning and it is way past the time I usually go to bed (9:00) so I better go to bed and I will write more later

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Le Famille

My host mom sent an email back to my mother and added us on Facebook. She seems like such a nice person. She speaks some English but wants to help me learn French. They have two kids but from my understanding they are both out of the house. They have two female dogs that are sooo cute, I will add pictures that they sent me later. They have a covered pool and live in a very "Bretagne" styled house (brick and wood) but it is a really cute house! I am so exited to go to France now it is starting to seem real and after I emailed my host mom back I didn't want to stop speaking French! I was in the mind set for French I guess. Well anyways I will write later and hopefully if I don't forget post those pictures on my blog! :)

Little late mais...

I am going to Dinan France, well a little bit outside of Dinan in a town called Quevert. I got JUST my gauruntee form back, I guess M. Riaux was waiting to send the rest but the host club just sent this piece by itself. I also got the name of my host parents Dominique and Brigitte Alix, I sent them and email and sent my host club an email the next morning.

My town of Dinan