Thursday, June 7, 2012

Adieu Poudlard! Good-bye forever Hogwarts

Do you understand why we call it Hogwarts?

Sarah and I look forward to this Cappuchino every day.

My year at “Hogwarts” aka Les Cordeliers is (almost) over! June 8th is officially my last day of school! This school year has been well interesting but I am so ready to get back to “fun school.”

In the USA I like school, a lot. Here is a completely different story. The first day of school I said I never want to come back it was that bad. Now on the last day, now when I actually know the kids in my class, have friends and shared memories I am sad to leave. Now don’t get me wrong I am SO happy to be done with school here and so happy that I will never have to go to French lycée again but I am a bit sad to leave Premier (Junior) Series S (Science) Group 3. I am sad that I have to leave my inside jokes about other classmates and go back to the USA where my friends are going to have inside jokes that I don’t understand. I hate knowing that my friends wont laugh when I say “dog” or that my accent wont be “cute” anymore.

I am crazy excited to come home. I am even counting down the days, 12 days from today. Yet I am in a bind because now I am multi-cultural. Now I have two countries, two ways of life and leaving either is hard.

You better enjoy the pictures I put up because technically we are not allowed to have electronics at school and so taking these photos was more like take out camera take a shot and throw it into my bag before I got caught!

1 comment:

  1. Hi my name's Mariah and i"m going to be going through the Rotary too to go to France from 2013-14! Do you have any tips or tricks for me??? I'm going to be in district 1720, but it's pretty close to yours.. I loved reading your blog it's making me so excited to go! Also, what is school liek there?? You said you're happy to go home to american high school haha. Oh btw i live in massachusetts.

    email me back if u can at
