Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Going to Jersey!

If I told you I was in Jersey would you believe me?

Well I was. Though probably not the Jersey you were thinking of! I was on a little tiny island between Normandy and Brittany named Jersey! The best part? After 4 months of speaking only French I was able to speak English for a day on the island. The Island is British and I even got my passport stamped and I caused a bit of confusion since im not sure they have ever had an American, living in France under a French visa who decided to take a vacation to Jersey. Thats okay, we got it all figured out fairly quickly. The boat ride over there took a little over one hour, there was a huge storm, reminence of a hurricane, that made the waves huge and made most of my host family and many other people on the boat sea sick. I ended up staying outdoors the whole boat ride there and back because even myself on the inside of the boat was feeling pretty sick. When we got to the Island they stamped my passport and we were on our way. We decided to first take the bus to go to another part of the island to see the "beauty" first. After we went back the the central town for shopping. The island has one road with almost every shop on the island on that one road so it was easy to not get lost and made shopping quite simple. I bought gifts for my host family and a few little things for myself including a watch and a pair of tights. (Though I really did NEED those things!) Sarah was with my host family and me. Sarah and I went shopping just the two of us for the whole day for lunch we ate spicy tomato soup and English tea and had a very nice time shopping. On the way home, it was cold and dark but I again stayed outside the whole time on the boat. When we finally got back we were all very tired, I was feeling sick and we finally got to bed at about midnight. It was a very nice day but unfortunatly I woke up with a fever and felt like I was hit by a truck. Yes, I woke up with the flu on the second day of break. Welcome to the life of being an exchange student. Sickness number 4 in 4 months.

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