Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Week at Gonzales

The day after I got back from Paris Sarah and I got to go on a wonderful "mini vacation." We went to live with the Gonzales family for a whole week! They have a beautiful house in Quevert, a 15 minute drive from my school. Quevert is the "countryside" and is very quite and peaceful. Living out in Quevert reminded me a lot of home. There were forests, farms, and hunters! At the Gonzales house Sarah and I both had our own room and bathroom, eletric shutters (which we were fasinated by even though they are quite popular in France), and amazing (huge) meals every night. For example one night we had tons of seafood and after that we had salmon with potatoes, then the bread and after a dessert. It was so good and I ate so much. They have two dogs which I played with a lot during my time there since I really do miss playing with dogs. The week was such a nice get away from what has become normal life at the Berthoux house hold. Though by the end of the week is was nice to return home.

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