Monday, January 16, 2012

Blog Birthday!

My blog is one year old! It has been a whole year since I found out I was coming to this amazing coutry. One year since I started my blog. It is amazing how life has changed in just one year. Time flies. I now have only six months left. Part of me is excited to go home to my family and friends, senoir year, prom but most of me is sad that in six months I have to return to the "real world". I wont be able to speak French everyday with everyone, I wont be able to complain about school finishing after dark or complain about the mean man who does not let us in to the lunch room. I think the saddest thing is having to leave all of the other exchange students at the end of year. Unlike my French friends they will also return to their countries and while some of my friends are from other parts of the USA and Canada; Many of my friends are from other countries such as Brazil, Turkey, Germany, Norway, Finland, Spain, and Taiwan. Even though I would love to see all of them again I don't know how much of a chance I have at being able to travel that much in the future.

I think that these photos sum up my outbound and inbound years with Rotary. Some of these photos might be repeated in other parts of my blog but in honor of my one year blog voila.

The French Inbound and me at the second outbound conference

Bon Voyage party and the cool card Brooke created

My mom and me right before leaving.

First photo in France, the plane that took us all here!

All of the students on the plane. Some had to catch other flights to the South of France.

This is only from 3 or 4 districts. I will be meeting all the exchange students in France in March or April.

Rotary meeting with the president of the region.

On the boat to Jersey. I think the sky in this photo is so beautiful.

Okay I don't know why it is not straight BUT I owe my life to these two.
They are the outbound coordinators and they are amazing!

Because Christmas is such a big part of the year ;)

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