Wednesday, February 8, 2012

France loves American culture

While I was sitting around the table with my family eating McDonalds I came to realise that the American culture is becoming more and more prominant in France. Sometimes here I feel like the French may be more patriotic for the USA than some of our own citizens. They wear American flag shirts and scarfs, listen to English music, watch Hollywood movies, and recently have started to enjoy McDonalds.
The menu has some different desserts and sandwiches than I have seen before but I think the biggest difference is here McDonalds is not really for the convienence. In my family in the USA we would eat McDonalds if we were running late to something or if we were traveling and needed to get back on the road quick. Here McDonalds is not like that, the people don't even understand that it seems. When I went we actually went out of our way to go to McDonalds, to bring it home and eat it as a family. Not that that does not happen in the States too but atleast for my family it does not happen very often. Though why would the French need the convienence, they are quite laid back people when it comes to food. I mean they take a whole 2 hours out of their work day for lunch! At my school I think we had something like 35 minutes to eat in the States!
No, McDonalds does not get healthier or even taste better. It is the same high calorie, high fat food as in the USA. It seems so strange that the French I know, the ones who love their good food and desserts. The ones who if you make food and they don't like the taste will tell you. They actually like the taste of McDonalds! Maybe that is just a weird concept for me since I have never thought McDonalds was very good to begin with but I find it very strange that the people the most food forward the people that hold food to a very high standard love McDonalds.
Anyways if you object to this in any way leave a comment. I really would like to figure this one out!

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