Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Hablo (un poco el) Espangol

Sometimes I think about what my life would be like if I was placed by Rotary in a different country. I have a feeling all exchange students think about this at some point. All they would of had to do was say your going to one higher or one lower on your list and life would be so different. For example my top choices were France, Thailand, Argentina. All 3 choices would have been life so completly different. I would have met different people, had different families, wore different clothes, and even spoke a different language!
 If I would have been placed in a different country the French language would have still seemed so "foreign." Now French feels so normal and I have changed to learning Spanish as my next goal. Spanish is now the "foreign" language. In fact I learn Spanish through French from my host brother and through French school.
At the begining of the year I thought these people were crazy, why put me in a Spanish class when I am in a foreign country and can't even speak this language fluently? Even now I don't consider myself fluent but I know enough and can say what I want to say. (Yes, I have become GREAT at talking my way around certain words that I don't know.) A foreign language IS a lot of practice. You have to care and work hard at it to even understand. The only reason you learn the language on exchange is because you know if you don't life will be a lot harder for you. I think I have become a bit "hooked" on wanting to understand everyone in the whole world. While that is an close to impossible goal I am taking baby steps by learning Spanish! Also I thought I would profit from my Spanish host mom and my Italian host dad! :)

1 comment:

  1. Hola! The 8th grade students are sending pen-pal letters - maybe I should put you on the list so that you have to write a letter in Spanish back to them! Anyway, it would be very cool if you can learn another language. I wonder if once you have learned a second language if the third and fourth languages come any easier? It will be fun to try your Spanish in Barcelona next week. I wonder if you have to say "La quinta, por favor" while eating in their restaurants too? Love, Mama
