Saturday, April 28, 2012

Europe Bus Trip!

I just arrived home from the Europe bus trip early this week. The bus trip was 2 weeks long and was one of the most amazing things I have ever done. I traveled from Paris- Strasbourg-Nuremburg-Prague-Vienna-Venice-Charmonix-Geneva-Dijon. It was probably the most hectic and tiring part of my year but it was defiantly the most rewarding and they best time spent during my exchange. Almost every day we changed countries/cities and best of all I was traveling with 50 of my closest exchange friends.

My favorite city was Venice, Italy. If you have never been there I highly suggest making plans to go. The water streets, the ocean and the gondolas make for such a pretty town. Geneva, Switzerland was interesting because the United Nations is there and there is also a very beautiful and large water jet that shoots straight up in the air. Best party was definitely the last night at Dijon. We had an awesome talent show which included the adults dressed up and dancing, the South American girls dancing, the South American guys dancing Creu, the Canadians and Justin Bieber, and everyone else sung a song about the bus trip that we created. After there was a contest for things like loudest snorer or best sleeping face and to end the night we had a dance. This trip was defanitly the best two weeks of exchange without a doubt.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Exchange Students wear bracelets.

Exchange Students, the ones I have met anyways, seem to come home with bracelets covering their wrists and ankles. I always wondered if they were the type of people to wear bracelets before exchange or if they were all from the exchange process. What caused them to start wearing them and why do they have so many? Now after going through the process I have also started to wear many bracelets without even realizing it. It all started with one my grandparents bought me to remember them while on exchange, I have not taken it off since the day they gave it to me. The second? A piece of clothing ripped off one of the other exchange students and distributed to the other students. Another bracelet of mine was given to me by my host sister. As you can see I have a memory, an attachment to everyone of them. Each one holds a different story that I am reminded of every time I look at my wrist. My year has slipped right by me and these 10 things I have tied around my wrist are the only things that constantly remind me. They remind me of the memories, of how much I have changed, my friends and how close I am to finished with my exchange.