Sunday, August 14, 2011

9 days, flight schedule, school, tennis

9 days until I leave! I am so anxious to be in France but so nervous about leaving. I can't even sleep through a whole night without waking up thinking about exchange! Yesterday I recieved my final flight plans and a list of all the people who will be flying to France with me, and a list of flights from America landing in CDG!
My final flight plans are Green Bay to Minneapolis. Minneapolis to CDG. In Minneapolis I will be the first of 19 students to arrive. Early bird gets the worm? Haha probably not but it will give me a while by myself to eat and veg before I go meet the other students! I don't understand why we have to pick our own seats since we are exchange students and we will want to sit by each other. So if I want to sit by any exchange students I have to talk with them and figure out where we want to sit and book the seat now. Unfortanatly when I went on the website the only open seats were directly in the middle of each group of seats. Great. Can we say cramped, uncomfortable plane ride all the way to Paris? But I honestly wouldn't mind if I was cramped with other exchange students because we would be on such an adreniline rush anyways!
I already picked my seat on the way to Minneapolis! I will be sitting at a window seat! It showed like it was behind the wing so hopefully I will actually get to see down!
Anyways thats my probably really boring flight information that you don't care about but for those of you (like my mom) who are trying to live vicariously through me while in France well than you might think of it just as neat and exiting as I do! ;)
P.s. I am done with my job for the summer now all I have to think about: France, packing, Paris, host family, visa, travel agent, kati and doug, Rotary powerpoint (which is actually going to be a Prezi), gifts, and candy! That's not that much I guess ;)
Oh I keep thinking of things. My school is now trying to tell me my year in France may disqualify me from getting any scholarships if I come back and be a Senior. I really don't think that is right since technically I am an ambassador for Gladstone Schools and why punish me for going away for a year to go to school? Especially when I am learning about another culture, a new language, and going to school the whole year. I will come back with more knowledge about the world and more real life experiences than a year at GHS could ever provide me. When was it bad to expand your horizons? Anyways I am kind of upset about this so I am going to have a meeting before I leave and maybe write a letter or two about why this is not right.
My host dad! He is amazing! I told him I really like playing tennis and the saying Rotarians move mountains but you have to tell them is so so soo true! My host dad has now gotten me into a tennis club for the year for free and has also invited me to go to St. Malo to watch a tennis tournment and have VIP passes and get to meet all the players. The players are not super famous but they are like the up and comings and some are even from the USA! Anyways I am super exited about both of those oppurtunities!
Okay Finally I can't think of anything else!
So A bien tot!= See you later

1 comment:

  1. That's strange with the scholarship stuff. I don't think it would disqualify you from getting any, but it would probably make it difficult to get some because your ACT test would be at a different time. On the other hand though, I am sure that there would probably be some scholarships that are easier to get with the experience.

    I also just realized that I'm going to be heading out on the same day...
