Tuesday, August 30, 2011


So the complete update:
The day after I was practicing my French with Gabby, Stephanie, Alexis, and me went to Dinan and ate mussles! Then we took a walk around the town, Dinan is so pretty and I really like all the old buildings but I forgot my camera!
 The next day M. Berthoux, my second host father, came over with bread and wine. I brought him Philadelphia cream cheese because I guess you can't find it in France! He was an exchange student in Denver in the past so he speaks really good English. We did not speak much English though, mostly very very fast French which I did not understand at all! Haha! After Stephanie and Alexis came over and we went swimming! For supper we had Seafood and Morel mushrooms! It was so good but I think all the food in France is good!

 In the morning we woke up early and drove to the ocean and took the boat out on the sea! It was a beautiful day and I got a lot of beautiful photos! There was also a sailboat race going on so there was many racing sailboats on the sea. We ate lunch on the boat near Saint Malo and then we headed back. On our way back the sky got cloudy and the wind picked up so the waves were huge! It was a lot of fun, the waves would still splash us on the top of the boat! When we got back to port Stephanie, Alexis, and me ate a choclate crepe!
The next day my host mom took me to Lehon, a small village near Dinan. Her daughter was married in a beautiful church there. The courtyard next to the church is one of the prettiest courtyards I have seen, with the cobblestone, the flowers and the birds it was amazing. We walked around the town, saw the Rance river and the lock on the river, for really small boats. A mine where the rocks for the houses was mined in the past and a fort on the hill which was used in the war. Then we went to the port and got macarroons, carmel which is made with butter salt, which is super popular in my region, and a slice of a specialty of Bretange made with eggs, prunes, and milk. After supper that night I watched a movie called Deja Vu in French, I did not understand it and I think it would have been a hard movie to understand in English also.
Today my host mom took me to Dinard and St. Malo by car! The towns are right out of a magazine, they are so old but so pretty. In Dinard we took a walk on the rocks by the sea and then we ate mussels and fries by the sea. After we went to St. Malo and walked on the wall around the town, when we came off the wall we shopped a bit and I ended up meeting a kid who was an exchange student in Minnesota last year! He had amazing English and I hope my French is that good when I come back! Then we stopped for ice cream and went home. I was so tired from the day I slept for 2 hours when I got home! Tomorrow I am just relaxing around the house and then Thursday is really busy. Stephanie, Sarah, the other exchange student in Dinan and her host siblings, which will be my host siblings later in the year, and going to Mo
unt Saint Micheal! I am so excited for that. It is very famous in France and I he

So this is pretty intresting, this is an old pool, the sea water fills it
with the tide and then when the tide resides you can swim in it!
The whole thing goes underwater, there is a huge tide here.

ard it is very pretty there.
Also the sea here has one of the biggest tides in the world. In fact, tomorrow the tide is the biggest at 12 meters! Which is huge. The rocks that jut out of the sea at one part of the day are barely noticable at another time of the day, it is amazing!

                                                                        My host parents
                                                                      Some pretty houses
                                 Lunch- We are all laughing because my host dad bent the bread!
                                                          The flag on the back of the boat!
A lot of sailboats out this day!



Bridge in Lehon

Port of Dinan

In Dinard, behind me is St. Malo

On the wall of St. Malo

Later in the day this is completly surrounded by water and people cannot walk out to it.

Wall of St. Malo

1 comment:

  1. Je suis contente que nos promenades t'aient plues! Il faut continuer ton blog car c'est interressant de savoir ce que tu fais !
