Friday, August 26, 2011

En France!

Sorry to not update this earlier but when I tried to do it yesterday it stopped working and I lost all my writing and pictures! I was 3 pictures away from posting the darn thing! Anyways to repeat everything I said yesterday. On the 23rd, the day I left, I woke up very early at 5 am and drove to the Green Bay airport. My famille stayed in Wisconsin Dells for the 22nd to go to the Wisconsin Dells! That was a fun day, riding the slides and swimming in the wave pool, for supper that night we ate at a pirate themed buffet! Anyways at the airport we sat around for about 2 or 3 hours, then I boarded the flight around 11:30 and took off at 12:03, once I got to Minneapolis I walked what seemed like the whole length of the airport to get to the gate. A few minutes after getting there more students came and we all hung out for our flight to start boarding, another 2 or 3 hour wait. During the wait I ate pizza and a parfait for lunch, exchanged some money, and just hung out with the other 19 kids flying with me. When we got on the plane I was very dissappointed that they did not have the little tvs on the back of the seats since the kids who flew from Seattle to Minneapolis had them. Also the seats were so crowded! It was a long 7 hours but sitting next to Aja and having 2 other exchnage students, one who is going to my district, Faith and another named Hannah made the trip a lot more fun. Once we landed in France we went through customs, which is just a quick stamp of the passport and then on to baggage claim! After baggage claim some of us decided to venture out the doors and all the Rotary clubs had signs for us, François was waiting for us, Herves wife, and then once all four of us from the flight ventured out the exit we were told we were going to a hotel to wait for everyone else, while in the airport we were told to move and asked what was happening after men with huge guns and berets came out and they had red tape and were hearding us. Francois said someone must have left some baggage or else their was a bomb threat! Ahh! That was an intresting way to start the day, since it was 8 am Parisain time! After we got the to the hotel Francois asked if Faith, Brogan, Christain, and I wanted to go take a shower, we were so happy to finally get a shower after the plane ride! After we showered we then waited in the hotel lobby for all the exchange students from 1510 and 1650 to get to the hotel at about 2 everyone arived for 1510 and they left and at about 2 30 1650, my district, left. Then we got on a bus and I got about 2 hours of sleep, solved the worlds problems with other students, and spoke and laughed a lot. I even got to see a quick glimpse of the Effile Tour for a second while traveling on the road. I got off at the second stop and Sarah, a girl going to the same town as I and myself road home with my host father M. Alix. After we stopped at Sarahs host familys house and dropped her off, which is actually my host family in January we drove around Dinan and saw my school and then we went home. When we got home Stephanie and a family friend were over visiting. When they left we ate and then I went to bed since I had just been up for about 36 hours with 4 hours worth of naps. In the morning I woke up at noon by Mme. Alix If I had not been woken up I would have slept all day! I was still tired but I got up and had lunch with Mme. Alix and Gabbi, a 2 year old who knows French better than me! Anyways after lunch I watched a cute movie where a girl does not want to cut open a frog so she saves it and then she sees a man and thought that the man was the frog she lost and she takes care of the "prince". It was very cute. Then Stephanie stopped buy but then had to leave, she lives just a short walk away so she stops in a few times a day. Then while Mme. Alix was in the kitchen preparing the salad we were going to have for supper, Gabbi who was usually very timid started talking to me a little and we ended up looking at franklin books together and he cant read so I would point to something and ask him "est-ce quoi" and he would respond, it was so so cute and sometimes he did not know the name but most of the time he did, it was good vocab practice for me and him! Then when Gabbi had to leave with his mom he said he did not want to leave, he wanted to stay here with me! So cute! Then Mme. Alix and I had supper and then I went to bed because I was so tired.

1 comment:

  1. Cool! Merci de mettre à jour votre blog! Est-ce votre dernière photo à la chambre de Alix? Yat-il un moyen pour vous de marquer les images avec des noms? Aussi, pourriez-vous après les photos de votre gâteau et tout ce que vous avez toujours eu sur votre appareil photo à partir quand vous étiez à la maison? Voulez-vous obtenir plus d'un tour de la ville aujourd'hui? Avez-vous mangé quelque chose d'inhabituel, ou est la nourriture la même que celle à la maison? A quelle heure avez-vous aujourd'hui? Love you!
