Thursday, September 15, 2011

3 weeks, 2 days!

Today is 3 weeks and 2 days in France! Time is flying by! I really am enjoying my time here, of course, as all exchange students I am having my ups and my downs but overall I like it a lot!
It is starting to be chilly here in the morning! Luckly, only 2 months of snow and it does not get as cold as the Upper Pennisula, ever. I don't miss the cold.
School I think I pretty much have the hang of things down and I really enjoy the food in the lunch room and sports class. School is very long here though, today I did not finish until something like 5 45 pm! It is not to bad though because Wednesday I finish at 11 and Friday I start at 9! Every Friday we have 2 hours of tests. I have a feeling I am going to fail a lot of them, since when I get tired I stop paying attention and draw or practice my French and Spanish I have not even tried to listen because I know I won't understand. In the USA we have it so good, people should never complain about school there. We get so many days of fun, you have plenty of options for classes and you have a lot of freedom. So that being said school here takes up a lot of my time, especially since I have been trying to do some of the homework and it lasts a long time. Though Wensday I took a walk and was a 'tourist' in my own town! I even discovered how to get on a bit of the wall surrounding the city! Also Wensday night I played tennis! It was nice to play but I was terrible since I really have not played a lot like I usually do. Also its on 'carpet' courts and indoors so it is a bit different to play on.
This weekend is going to be a lot of fun, I am going to St. Malo for a tennis tournment and I am going to a
 ?monk monistary? with rotary!
My french is improving! Many people have commented on how I understand a lot better also when I tried to get the voice message off my phone the first time I had no idea what the voice was telling me, all I knew were the numbers this time when I called I understood enough of what she was telling me to successfully retrive my message! It was also a nice reward to finally get the message after getting daily text messages telling me I had a message.
On the first and second of October I am going to Mont St Micheal! This time I am going with all the exchange students in my district! I am looking forward to it a lot!

Things I am longing for: 
Reeces PB cups, Reeces PB cups, Reeces PB cups!

Other random things on my mind: My RYE officer sent me a very cute email, Thank You! I am glad some people are keeping up on my blog and that your interested in my exchange! It actually, kind of, convinced me to write now, even though it is late and I have school tomorrow!
And school tires me out so much since it is long, in a different language and I try to speak a lot with my classmates, I usually go to bed at 8 or 9!

So sorry that this blog is all over the place, I know it is, today I think I am a bit scatterbrained, maybe because I am tired?

A plus tard!

My new house
Walking through the city wall on my way to school

On the wall

Bretagne Flag

The outside of my school, yes, it is a tourist attraction.

They obviously don't want anyone escaping.

My school on left, on the right there is a very good icecream shop!

On another piece of the wall

My town

The A is for "amateur" If you have been driving a year or less you have this
Same concept in Canada but not in the US!

Stop is proper French.

My road!

1 comment:

  1. Dad says that "trying to talk a lot with classmates" is nothing new! Every teacher since kindergarten has told us how social you are - why should it be different in a different language?? haha
