Sunday, September 25, 2011

I survived!

Lived. Thrived. Survived. in a Foreign country for one month!
In one month I have done so much! I flew to France, saw a glimpse of the effile tour, been to the city of Rennes AND St. Mal two times, took a beautiful boat ride along the shore near St. Malo, Dinard, and a lot of other really pretty towns, met so many intresting and wonderful people, switched families, started school, made friends, went shopping, played tennis, and most importantly improve my French!
It is such a confidence booster and amazing feeling when I look back in the last month. At the begining of the month, I hardly understood anyone and if I understood it was because people spoke very slow and pronounced things very clearly. Now people can speak normally and I usually understand most if not all of what they are saying, I also can respond even though my grammer is not very good and I have developed a new skill of talking around a word I don't know or describing the word. I am looking forward to the months ahead of me in France and I am proud of what I have acheived in a month.

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